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Focus On Risk: Building Confidence and Embracing Conflict - Inspiring Insights from Kate Beck

Cultivating Confidence: Insights from Kate Beck on Pathways with Amber Stitt

In the latest episode of the Pathways podcast, hosted by Amber Stitt, listeners were treated to an empowering and insightful conversation with Kate Beck, a multifaceted business owner and advocate in the insurance industry. Kate's journey, marked by self-discovery, resilience, and strategic career transitions, offers invaluable lessons for anyone looking to cultivate confidence, confront challenges, and navigate the complexities of professional and personal growth.

The Beginning: A Reluctant Entrance into Insurance

Kate's entry into the insurance industry wasn't a dream come true but rather a reluctant transition. Initially resistant to obtaining her insurance license, Kate found herself unexpectedly pulled into the field. Reflecting on her journey, she shared: "Imagine a wet cat coming into this industry. That was me."

Despite her initial reluctance, Kate brought a wealth of diverse experiences to the table. From living on a private island in Turks and Caicos as an assistant food and beverage director to achieving an array of personal milestones before turning 30, her background is as vibrant as it is varied.

Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience

Kate's story is not merely about success but also about navigating adversity. When working for an unsupportive firm for six years, her confidence took a hit. She explained how unmet promises and growing frustration led to a significant dip in her self-esteem:

"I used to be a confident wild mustang, and by the end, I was like a piddling little puppy."

Despite these challenges, Kate's resilience and self-reflection led her to recognize the need for self-advocacy and boundary-setting. One of her significant "aha" moments was realizing she didn't have to agree to everything asked of her. Instead, she could focus on her strengths and passions, delegating tasks to those more suited for them.

Strategic Tools for Personal and Professional Growth

Kate emphasized the importance of systematic processes and tools for fostering confidence and managing conflict. One such tool is Shirzad Chamine's Positive Intelligence program, a resource she has both used and become certified in. The program helps individuals identify and address saboteur voices, which can hinder personal and professional development.

Kate's mantra, "Cultivating confidence by planting seeds of peace," encapsulates her approach to personal growth. It involves anticipating potential self-criticism, acknowledging it, and responding with self-compassion and strategic action. She elaborated:

"Understand the worst-case scenario, see where it shows up in your body, and respond peacefully with, 'You've got this, girl.'"

Project 36: Empowering Women in Insurance

A significant part of Kate's advocacy work is through Project 36, an initiative by Women in Insurance and Financial Services (WIFS) aimed at supporting women transitioning into new careers, or graduating from college. The project underscores the importance of community and systematic support in achieving professional success.

Kate highlighted the value of strategic meetings and clear, actionable steps for organizing events and initiatives. This approach ensures that tasks are delegated effectively, leveraging everyone's strengths and resulting in more efficient outcomes. She emphasized that:

"Slowing down before speeding up is crucial for achieving our goals with less effort and greater efficiency."

Practical Steps for Confronting and Embracing Conflict

For Kate, getting comfortable with conflict is a crucial skill. She advises individuals to schedule breaks, prioritize tasks, and focus on activities that bring joy. She also advocates for clear, honest communication and understanding personal values and priorities.

One practical method Kate presented is the M.A.P. to Success: Mentor, Advocate, and Promote. This framework encourages individuals to seek mentorship, advocate for themselves and others, and promote their skills and achievements.

Final Thoughts: Accountability and Continuous Improvement

In her conversation with Amber, Kate underscored the importance of ongoing personal development and accountability. Whether through self-reflection, professional coaching, or community support, continuous growth is crucial for maintaining confidence and achieving long-term success.

For those interested in learning more about Kate's strategies and accessing her "Getting Comfortable with Conflict" guide, she invites listeners to connect with her via LinkedIn or Instagram @pdxins, or by emailing

Kate Beck's journey, insights, and strategies offer a powerful reminder that confidence and success are cultivated through intentional actions, community support, and a commitment to personal growth. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of staying true to one's values and passions.

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Timestamped Overview:

00:00 Achieved pre-30 goals, paved own career path.

05:29 Unfulfilled promises led to discouraged, defeated feelings.

07:48 Discussing industry challenges and strategies with Kate.

09:27 Positive Intelligence program offers free saboteur assessment.

14:00 Identified values led to successful career move.

16:52 Supporting women in finance careers through outreach.

20:25 Finding fulfillment in work and setting goals.

23:12 Transition from luxury to hard work, self-confidence.

26:04 Join Pathways podcast, visit Take action today!

🔗 Resources & Links:

To learn more about Kate Beck please visit:

📲 Website:

📲 Download the "Getting Comfortable with Conflict" guide:

 📲 Take the Saboteur Assessment:

To learn more about Amber Stitt check out the rest of the website and please visit:


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